Tuesday, February 10, 2009

CI 5472: Entry 3.0 Commercial for Shot-by-Shot Analysis

This is a hilarious commercial for Axe body spray. It uses some film tropes for creating a "primal" feel, and you could totally go feminist on this thing too -- it clearly makes the claim that females who are sexual are savage and beastly. A woman can't just be sexual and normal in our society of course! ( I hope you can hear my dripping sarcasm here)


Shot-by-Shot Analysis

Shot 1: Close up of a pair of bare feet running in natural environment. Gives the feeling of urgency and establishes a natural environment
Shot 2: Full length, wide shot of woman wearing bikini (she is the runner). She stops at the top of a hill and sniffs the air, a motif that suggests animals on the hunt.
Shot 3: Close up of woman’s face looking around intently gives the viewer the hint that she is hot on a trail – a predator near its prey.
Shot 4: Wide shot of woman running through jungle atmosphere, leaping fallen trees – suggests that she is strong and physically adept, also very vigilant.
Shot 5: Three-quarter-length shot has woman moving straight toward the camera, placing her breasts in the middle of the screen (for emphasis I am sure). The straight angle places the viewer in the position of the pursued beast.
Shots 3, 4, and 5 are repeated quickly to create a sense of panic or urgency
Shot 6: Close up of the savage beast (ahem… I mean woman) as she notices that she has competition, doubling her efforts.
Shot 7: Increasingly widening shot shows the beast to now be joined by many hunters, equally as physically adept and vigilant.
Shot 8: Starts at ground level at the peak of a hill, raises to reveal a whole valley of racing women
Shot 9: Three-quarter length shot of individual
Shot 10: Close up of woman swimming
Shot 11: Wide shot revealing many women swimming in with the waves
Shot 12: Very wide shot of women coming down a mountain in droves, just like the Wildebeast stampede in the Lion King.
Alternating shots of increasing speed of shots 9, 10, 11, 12.
Shot 13: Close-up of a bewildered but strangely happy average-looking guy
Alternating 9, 11, 12
Shot 14: Three-quarter-length view of dude spraying himself insanely with Axe
Alternating 4, 5, 9
Shot 15: Arms spread, still spraying, the average dude is swarmed by primal women from every direction. The true Average Joe American Dream…. Good luck with that.

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